Spring 2 – Sing a rainbow


Posted by Wagtails | Posted in All blog posts | Posted on 06-03-2023

During this half term, we will be reading:

– Brown bear. Brown bear


– The colour monster

– Elmer

-Wow said the Owl









Wagtails have been developing a love of reading through shared reading activities, including joining in with sensory stories, massage stories, story strings and class stories.

We have been using all of our senses to actively explore a range of sensory materials and develop understanding about colours, sounds, textures and tastes.

We are working on developing an understanding of numerical concepts (lots, one, none, more, 1:1 correspondence), through building with large building bricks, exploring different sized cardboard boxes and heuristic play with varying sized containers and objects.

During art we have been exploring colour, design and shape, as well as responding to pattern through texture and print.

During cookery we have made Teddy bear pizzas, using muffins, tomato paste, cherry tomatoes, black olives and pepperami.

We recently had a visit from Millers Ark farm. We walked down to the field and saw some pigs, sheep, donkeys and goats!


Thank you for looking!

Team Wagtails :)

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