Cooking up a storm


Posted by Wagtails | Posted in All blog posts | Posted on 05-12-2022

The topic for this term is ‘Cooking up a storm’.

We have been reading ‘Happy Birthday Peppa’

During Play and Learn, the children have been:

  • Sorting objects by colour
  • Engaging in an Incy Wincy Spider sensory story
  • Transporting large and small bricks using trolleys and trucks
  • Making marks in dry sensory trays with fingers and one-handed tools
  • Making Birthday cards for Mummy Pig
  • ‘Making’ a cake out of wet sand and adding candles
  • Using a range of boxes to create ‘presents’
  • Developing their play skills through engaging in Peppa Pig small world play

We have recently started doing ‘Food Explorers’ with the children. This enables the children to learn through sensory experiences and explore different food items without the pressure to eat it.  Some of the children appeared to enjoy touching, smelling, eating and ripping lettuce leaves. Vicky and Amber have got some great ideas lined up for our future sessions – watch this space!!

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