Welcome to Robins!

Our new little Robins have had a brilliant start to the year! The children have been exploring their new environment and different play materials in our choosing sessions, we’re currently enjoying cars and dry sensory play in particular. We have also enjoyed various different activities such as food explorers, mark making, soft-play, OT, and even PE! We are very excited for the term ahead and cannot wait to see what we will get up to next!

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This term in Robins class we have been reading ‘the very hungry caterpillar’ and exploring the world of minibeasts! The children have enjoyed investigating different minibeasts in our various sensory activities, searching for them in lettuce, rice, cauliflower, and even ice! We have been counting critters, learning about the process of becoming a butterfly in our literacy sessions, and getting crafty and making our own beautiful butterflies. It has been wonderful to see the children engaging with different play materials and take an interest in the live caterpillars that we currently have in Robins. We cannot wait to see what the children will achieve next!


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Exploring Colours in Robins Class!

This half term our topic has been ‘Sing a rainbow’ where we have been using all our senses to explore colours, textures and sounds. The children have enjoyed a wide range of activities including colourful shaving foam, painting and mark making, as well as some fine motor tasks like threading and puzzles. Our circle times have been spent exploring the different colours of the rainbow. We have also spent some time in our new space called ‘the nest’ where the children can access various sensory toys in a quiet and calm environment. Additionally, we recently had a visit from a harpist which the children were very intruiged and relaxed by. There has been lots of really lovely learning going on and we hope you enjoy the photos!


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Winter in Robins class

We’ve had a very busy start to the winter term in Robins. Our current topic is I Love Animals, and, as you can see from the photos, the children have thoroughly enjoyed the various animal themed play and learn activities we have provided. They have explored constructing animal photos using a variety of sensory materials, and have also been mark making with animal footprints! During our choosing sessions children have also been learning to share resources, taking turns, and engaging in play with both peers and adults. It has been a very exciting term in Robins and we look forward to seeing the progress children make in the upcoming months!

Team Robins

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Arts and crafts in Robins

We have had an excellent start to the year in Robins class! The children have settled in very well and have enjoyed the wide variety of play and learn tasks, as well as exploring OT, Softplay, PE, and light and sound. This week we have been learning about light and dark, and the children have created some fabulous art work!


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Spring 1 in Robins

We have had a very busy start to the year in Robins Class. Our current topic is Old MacDonald and the children have been actively engaged in play and learn activities all about the farm and the animals who live there, learning new vocabulary and further developing their play skills. This has included exploring and investigating different sensory materials using whole body to make marks, sharing resources with an adult or peer and constructing using a range of different materials and with a purpose in mind. Robins have loved getting stuck in to the different play and learn activities, particularly the messy areas!! You will see in the photos that we love to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in!


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Settling into Robins

It has been lovely getting to watch the children settle into Robins Class. They have already started to form close bonds with the adults that support them in their school day. We have also seen some lovely interactions between the children and their peer group (Robins and Wagtails children socialise together during play and lunch times and PE). We are looking forward to seeing their learning progress further in the coming months 😊

Team Robins

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Robins New Adventure

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First Woodland Walk

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