Summer 1

Wow! We have crammed so much into this very short half term! It has gone sooooo quickly obviously because we have been having so much fun! We loved our trip to Romsey to see the pop up zoo and our creations made from flower pots! Angie was very kind and treated us all to an ice cream!

On Wednesday the 22nd May, Iain came into school. He is a wildlife photographer and he worked with the children to take photos of natural things in the school grounds. The photos that the children took will be sent to me once he has edited them and hopefully we will be able to put some of them on display around school and even use them to enter an art competition being run by the Hampshire cultural trust.

We had Outdoor Classroom day on Thursday and the children loved having their lessons outside during this week. We did a shape hunt, played in the mud kitchen, planted seeds and enjoyed taking part in an outside bucket time that involved making a wand. We had a great afternoon turning each other into frogs and slugs!!

Enjoy the photos!IMG_0653 IMG_0661 IMG_0800 IMG_0836 IMG_0860 IMG_0903 IMG_0918 IMG_0982 IMG_0986 IMG_1013 IMG_1024 IMG_1032 IMG_1037 IMG_1062 IMG_1065 IMG_1075

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Spring 2

Well there we are, the end of the Spring term and what a lovely time we have had. We all have been working hard with increasing our communication in the class room, really pushing the children to use their PECS folders or other communication aids and they have done really well. They have loved having a tuck shop for snack, making requests and using money to ‘buy’ their healthy snack.

We looked at the Easter story in RE and made a lovely Easter garden, all taking turns to add parts to it.

We have spent some our topic sessions learning about life cycles of animals and enjoyed seeing this in real life when we went and visited the River Itchen at the bottom of St Catherines hill in Winchester. We were very fortunate with the weather and enjoyed a lovely picnic before looking at river bugs with the help from members of the Wessex Chalk Stream Trust. The whole afternoon was organised by Winchester College.

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Spring 1

Here we are, almost at another end of a half term! Time sure does fly when you are having fun!! Ospreys have had another fun filled half term with lots of opportunities for outdoor learning. In maths we have been working on sharing and dividing and the children loved collecting natural objects and solving sharing problems with them. We then moved on to measuring length and again made use of the outdoors to find long and short objects to compare. We have also measured the lengths of superheroes and super hero weapons too!

On the 4th February we had a lovely Forest School day out at Itchen Valley Country Park and despite the drizzle we all had a really memorable day. We built log towers, zip wires for teddies, jumped in puddles, made bread on the campfire, used saws to cut medallions and just generally had an amazing time!

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Visit to New Farm, Kings Somborne

Ospreys had a glorious autumn day at the farm on Wednesday. The sun was shining and the day was beautiful. Jackie and John, the farmers, have a free range egg farm as well as some arable land and we explored what goes on at the farm. We started by collecting hidden eggs and packing them in egg boxes and then all got aboard a huge trailer and had a tractor ride to some new woodlands. Here we gathered different shapes, sizes and colours of leaves and had a short blustery walk to join the tractor and trailer again. Next stop was a hazel coppice where we ran about in the woods, collected sticks and attempted to build a den. We hopped back on board the trailer and we had a leisurely journey back to the farm house for lunch. After lunch we looked at different grains and did some grinding to make flour, some of which was used to make drop scones which we all enjoyed spread with butter and jam. A fantastic day out! Many thanks to Jackie and John and the Country Trust for organising.

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Autumn 1

What a wonderful half term we have had and hasn’t it gone so quickly!! Ospreys have been very busy and settled in really well into the class routines quite swiftly. They have all loved going out and exploring the signs of Autumn around the school grounds and are looking forward to trips to the farm in Autumn 2.

We explored different countries and continents in our topic lessons and loved handling some of Sam’s objects from her travels to Asia. In PE we have been fortunate enough to have outside agencies delivering exciting activities for the class. We have enjoyed a variety of sports with Lee and doing adventurous circuits with Justin.

We are looking forward to Autumn 2 where our theme is Light and Sound and then starting the count down to Christmas. Have a lovely half term break,

The Ospreys Team

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