Wow! We have crammed so much into this very short half term! It has gone sooooo quickly obviously because we have been having so much fun! We loved our trip to Romsey to see the pop up zoo and our creations made from flower pots! Angie was very kind and treated us all to an ice cream!
On Wednesday the 22nd May, Iain came into school. He is a wildlife photographer and he worked with the children to take photos of natural things in the school grounds. The photos that the children took will be sent to me once he has edited them and hopefully we will be able to put some of them on display around school and even use them to enter an art competition being run by the Hampshire cultural trust.
We had Outdoor Classroom day on Thursday and the children loved having their lessons outside during this week. We did a shape hunt, played in the mud kitchen, planted seeds and enjoyed taking part in an outside bucket time that involved making a wand. We had a great afternoon turning each other into frogs and slugs!!