Space and Numeracy

In Ospreys our topic is Space. We have been looking at the stages of the moon and had fun making aliens.
We painted a moon on a paper plate.

We made moon biscuits

We made aliens.

We did do some work as well as all the fun.

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Autumn 1

Hello Ospreys 2020

What a fantastic start to the school year after such a long time away from school. All the children have done amazingly and we should be really proud of how well they have returned and settled back into things.

I really can’t believe that the first half term has gone already and those warm end of Summer days of September seem only like yesterday!
Well we have all been working hard and enjoyed the themes and topics that we have been learning about. We have loved getting outside into the outdoor learning areas where possible as well as doing some fun and creative learning in the class room. We have done some work on time, worked hard on subtraction. we have enjoyed cooking and making chocolate toffee apples and chocolate crispy spiders, where we practiced our cutting skills. We have done reading and spelling and building and writing words with sounds we have been learning. Pretty much non- stop!

I hope you enjoy looking at some photos of some of the things we have got up to,

Have a lovely half term break and I look forward to the next one,


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Hello and Happy New Year to you all!
Well we have kick started the new year by getting stuck into our topic of electricity. We have explored things that use electricity and things that don’t.
We also explored resources that can be used to make circuits, showing each other what we know, what the equipment is called and how it could be put together to make a circuit. The children are very bright and could tell me lots of information!

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Neon Day

We have had a great day in Ospreys learning about ‘Being safe and being seen’ especially in the winter months when its darker for longer.
We played ‘traffic lights’ in PE and then came back for some car play choosing. The children made roads and enjoyed being safe.
After break we came back and made neon bright wrist bands with all things bright and fluorescent!!

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W/B 04.11.19

We hope you all had a great half term! We have had a brilliant first week backs!!


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Our Spooky Week… W/B 21/10/19

We’ve had great fun this week exploring pumpkins, doing some pumpkin maths, reading about magical dilemmas in literacy – We even did some dressing up and roleplay!!

It’s been a great first half term! Have a fabulous break 🙂

– Ospreys

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W/B 14.10.19

What another great week in Ospreys! We are really getting into the swing of things now and are working really hard!!

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September 2019

What a great first month we have had in Ospreys getting to know new friends and catching up with old. We have got stuck into our work and have been enjoying using the whole school site to support our learning! We hope you enjoy these photos 🙂
◾Ospreys 🙂

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Art Competition

Ospreys spent sometime last half term taking some beautiful pictures of the school environment with a photographer called Ian Green. He is a wildlife photographer who also works with children to take photographs. The children took some wonderful pictures and did some art work and created a poem based around these photos. We will be entering them into the ‘Keats in Winchester’ competition. An exhibition of entries selected for judging will take place at City Museum, Winchester from 13 – 29th September, with winners and runners up announced at an award ceremony at the museum on Sunday 29th September. We will wait to see the outcome of our entries!! I was about to say ‘take a look at the work we have done’ but on reading the small print for the competition, we aren’t allowed to display anywhere including online before the competition!! I’ll upload in September then! Sorry, but do head to the museum if you can!

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Wintershill Farm Visit

Ospreys Class went to Wintershill Farm, Durley on Wednesday 26th June. The Country Trust had organised a day for special needs schools to attend a working farm and to learn about things that go on in a working farm. The day was run by volunteers who all had experience in different areas. The class loved seeing the sheep shearer do his thing, loved getting dressed up in bee keeping outfits, as well as grooming horses, pushing hay bales and hunting for river bugs. It was a great day and the pupils learnt so much!

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