Hello Ospreys 2020
What a fantastic start to the school year after such a long time away from school. All the children have done amazingly and we should be really proud of how well they have returned and settled back into things.
I really can’t believe that the first half term has gone already and those warm end of Summer days of September seem only like yesterday!
Well we have all been working hard and enjoyed the themes and topics that we have been learning about. We have loved getting outside into the outdoor learning areas where possible as well as doing some fun and creative learning in the class room. We have done some work on time, worked hard on subtraction. we have enjoyed cooking and making chocolate toffee apples and chocolate crispy spiders, where we practiced our cutting skills. We have done reading and spelling and building and writing words with sounds we have been learning. Pretty much non- stop!
I hope you enjoy looking at some photos of some of the things we have got up to,
Have a lovely half term break and I look forward to the next one,