After a brief break Ospreys are back with some more blog content. Starting off with a blog written earlier in the year by one of our pupils.
—–I am writing this kind of for the Ospreys class blog. Thanks then.——-
(text starts below the empty line below this…………)
Hello, I am a pupil, in Ospreys class as a Year 5 student. It hasn’t been too long since 2023 started (as of when this was typed.)……woohoo. Anyways we have been talking about our Christmas presents after the Christmas holidays, and the weather hasn’t been too bad, but we have had quite a lot of rain and wind, so yeah, bad rain…
So I have got a new TV, some new books and a drawing book for Christmas. I don’t know why the Christmas holidays have gone so quick….ehhh nevermind. Over the Christmas holidays we haven’t had a lot of snow, so it’s been a mostly-no snow period. (and this bit is now in italic…whoops.)
And also I go to Sparrows class to play with a friend to play games like: Hungry Hippos, Pop-up Pirate and others, etc. (I keep using too many fonts, aaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
While the Christmas holidays have gone quick, going back to school has been not too bad, although it has been a bit bumpy. Anyways I hope 2023 should be a nice year…unlike what 2021 and 2020 have been, but 2022 has been ok.